Va La Home Vineyard in winter mist

The Little Vineyard

Matteo and Carolina Carozzo left their families in the Monferrato hills, to take work in a Delaware gunpowder
factory. After several years, in 1928 they were able to pool their life-savings to purchase an abandoned field near
the town of Avondale. The small field occupies a knoll between a concrete factory and two manure composting
plants. The ground is littered with old horseshoes, musket balls, and veins of the black mushroom soils
that are infamous to the area. The first vines of the home vineyard were planted here in 1999.

Pop Pop Jim ran over 100 miles of wire to erect a trellis for the seven acres of vines. The initial planting
coincided with the longest drought in the regions history, which ended suddenly when 10 inches of rain fell
in one evening. The next morning, a deep sink hole had opened-up in the field. At the bottom of the crevice,
a large crucifix was discovered. The crucifix was mounted atop a fence post overlooking the young vines,
and he became known as Vineyard Jesus." He now watches over the wine table in the tasting room.

This hill has been visited by hurricanes and hail, disease and cold snaps, deer, insects, and the endless legions
of birds. New members of our family have been born here, and others have left us. Great Grandmother Anna,
into her late-90s, always admonished us to rack the wines on the new moon. Our daughter is now the fifth
generation of Matteo and Carolina to live and work in this field. It is a place pregnant with memories,
and full of ghosts.

Brandywine Valley winery

Before setting out to visit please call ahead to verify that regular hours still apply in cases of
inclement weather, or holidays. We attempt to post cancellations on our page in the book of faces:

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Press / Social Media: Due to our modest size and facilities we respectfully request that you please
do not re-produce the information contained in this section for dissemination to the general public.
We thank you greatly for your understanding.

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Jump to: Holiday Hours and Schedule

-- Before setting out, please see the Visit Us Page for Menu and important details --

We look forward to seeing you at the little vineyard!

Va La Man-Service in Kilts Day
Saturday March 15, 2025 AD:
See the sights that cannot be unseen: our farm's annual tribute to the Day of
St Patrick, as your fine servers Andy, Dave, and Doug will be in their kilts, pouring
wines and showing off their tribal pride, and hopefully nothing else.
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on the Visit Page.

Sunday March 30
We invite you to join us in the galleria for a live afternoon concert with pianist,
retired speed knitter, and close friend to all woodland creatures,
Mr Glenn E. Williams Jr, III. (2-5 pm).
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on theVisit Page

Sunday April 13
We invite you to join us in the galleria for a live afternoon concert overlooking the vines,
with pianist, car owner, and retired Star Trek watcher,
Mr Glenn E. Williams Jr, III. (2-5 pm)
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on the Visit Page

Sunday April 20 - Easter Sunday
We will be closed.

Sunday April 27
We invite you to join us in the galleria for a live afternoon concert with pianist,
shape-shifter, and six time regional kitten throwing champion,
Mr Glenn E. Williams Jr, III. (2-5 pm)
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on the Visit Page

Sunday May 4
We invite you to join us in the galleria for a live afternoon concert with pianist,
anti-amphibian influencer, and Regional Crossing Guard of the Week Finalist,
Mr Glenn E. Williams Jr, III (2-5 pm).
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on the Visit Page

Memorial Day Weekend
- Saturday May 24
- Sunday May 25

We invite you to join us in the galleria for a live afternoon concert with pianist,
loud library talker, and former professional lawn mower racer,
Mr Glenn E. Williams Jr, III. (both days 2 to 5 pm.)
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on the Visit Page

Memorial Day Monday May 26: Closed

Sunday June 15- Fathers Day
We invite you to join us in the galleria for a live afternoon concert with pianist,
professional courtroom sketch artist critic, and Internationally acclaimed good dad,
Mr Glenn E. Williams Jr, III. (2-5 pm).
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on the Visit Page

Sunday June 29
We invite you to join us in the galleria for a live afternoon concert with pianist,
loud library talker, and former professional lawn mower racer,
Mr Glenn E. Williams Jr, III. (2-5 pm).
To make a reservation request, please see the Visiting Info link on the Visit Page


January 1: New Year's Day 2025 -- Closed.

April 20: Easter Sunday -- Closed.

Monday May 26: Memorial Day Monday -- Closed.

Monday September 1: Labor Day Monday -- Closed.

October 4: Avondale Lawnmower Appreciation Day -- Open normal hours.

Wednesday November 26: Special Holiday Hours
We will be open for purchases by the glass and bottle
(sorry no flights today) from 12 - 3 pm.

Thursday November 27 Thanksgiving Day - closed

~ During the December holidays,
in addition to our weekend tastings,
we will be open every day from December 13
until December 31

except as noted below:

- Christmas Eve Wednesday 12/25: Special Holiday Hours
We will be open for purchases by the glass and bottle
(sorry no flights today) from 12 to 3 pm.

- Christmas Day 12/25: We will be closed. Open again tomorrow.

- New Year's Eve 12/31: Special Holiday Hours
We will be open for purchases by the glass and bottle
(sorry no flights today) from 12 to 3 pm.

- New Year's day 1/1/26: We will be closed --

We wish you a safe, happy, and beautiful 2026.

For updates and announcements of new wine releases, please like our
Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages, or sign up for our email newsletter.

Friends of Va La

Run Squirrel Run: Tutti i Giusvallini in America.

New Garden Township, USA

The Lyceum Newsletter of New Garden

Been There Tasted That

CloudHawk Aerial Media

Talula’s Table of Kennett Square

Talula’s Garden

Brandywine Prime Restaurant

Elwood BYOB

Jet Wine Bar


Fork Restaurant



Bloomsday Cafe

The Lunar Inn / Tinys Bottle Shop

St. Oner's

Ploughman Farm Cidery

Craig LaBan

Pianist Glenn E Williams

Carlos Alejandro

Afflair Events and Design

The Wine Classroom

Bertrand Celce

Unica Online

Painting in Trees

Pennsylvania Vine Company Blog

Life at Table

American Winery Guide

East Coast Wineries Blog

Dave McIntyre's WineLine

House Industries

Avondale Music Company

David Schildknecht Vinous

On the Front Vines

The Cork Report

Drink What YOU Like

The Nittany Epicurean

Philly Wine Guy

The Grapes Unwrapped

East Coast Wine Couple

The Virginia Grape

Virginia Made

Chicago Wine Girl

NJ Winery Reviews

Madame Fromage

Travel With a Local

Grid Philly

Local Farm Products Guide to Chester County

Chester County Ag

Chester County Ag Development Council

Avondale Hills Farm

Two Gander Farm

Gauker Farm

Westlake Tree Farms

Pietro Mushrooms

The Woodlands at Phillips Mushroom Farms - fresh mushrooms

The Mushroom Cap - fresh mushrooms

Chester County Food Bank

Start Local Podcast Chester County


Avondale Hills Farm Residence        The Artist's Inn          Fairville Inn          Inn at Whitewing Farm   

Inn at Montchanin Village          Kennett House

Fairfield Inn and Suites          Hilton Garden Inn Kennett

“ …an extraordinary family owned winery, my mind has finally come to grips with the conclusion;
Va La makes some beautifully well made wine, meticulously cared for by a passionate farmer… ”
—Anthony’s Wine Blog, July 2012

Va La

home again

Va La Vineyards, the Unofficial website of the Va La Nation. Avondale, Pennsylvania. Home of Va La Wines Va La Wines: Mahogany, Mahogany Va La, La Prima Donna, Silk, Zafferano, Cedar, Castana, Patina, Seed Availability of Va La Wines, Purchase Availability, enoteca Va La, a favorite US Tasting Room, 8822 Gap Newport Pike, Avondale, PA Va La Vineyards Threatened events, and predictions of things to come
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We please ask that you take note that:

♦ We advocate the responsible consumption of wine, we do not serve minors or visibly intoxicated persons.
♦ We are a very small family farm, and regrettably unable to accommodate buses, limousines,ocean liners,
or groups over 4 persons indoors, or over 6 persons outdoors, under any circumstances please.
♦ An active, working farm facility where adults are served alcohol should not be considered an environment
conducive to children or pets. Non-Service dogs are permitted, outdoors only, as long as they are
leashed and maintain a 10 foot distance from all other guests. (The same applies to children. 😀)

©2021 Va La Family Farmed Wines. All rights reserved. Images and content are property of Va La Vineyards, unless otherwise noted
Va La Family Farmed Wines  |  8820 Gap Newport Pike (Rt. 41)  |  Avondale, PA  |  19311  |  610-268-2702